Tuesday, August 26, 2008

first day

Behold, a preschooler in his natural habitat.

I had no problems dropping him off at school this morning - no tears or sniffly moments. (I was too excited for that!) I did, however, get a little verklempt when he walked to me after school with his little backpack full of papers and a big grin on his face. He looked like a KID -- I experienced an odd mixture of pride and freaked out-edness. (is a word, no?)


Ganine said...

Sooo cute!! You will love preschool!!

It is weird when you realize that they are a "kid" but, so fun too!!

Anneka said...

He looks so cute and such a big boy!

Anonymous said...

It was only about 6 months ago thee Mike could hold him in the palm of his hand. Hang on cause it gets faster every year.
Anna, you know of course that you were only 5 when you left for college.
He is such a good looking young lad and so well behaved for his Grandpa Bryan it is hard to understand why you are so happy to have him in pre school :)

Anonymous said...

OMG. He looks like Jo's Cade.

Megan Betty said...

Oh my! He is such a big guy! I must write a letter for that box. (sorry note to self).
Glad you didn't cry! :)
Love ya,