Friday, October 31, 2008

new merit badge

My June Cleaver merit badge may have gone out the window with my faulty canning skills, but I have just earned my Martha Stewart "outrageously magnificent costume" badge, which means I am SO over June Cleaver. I've decided that aside from her seemingly never-ending pursuit of perfection, Martha Stewart is my kind of lady -- there's no way June Cleaver ever made a grown man cry, so really we don't have a lot in common.

Behold, my kids' Halloween costumes in all their felt-covered, crafty glory!

Take special note of Aidan's lace-up shirt (did I painstakingly pound those eyelets into his shirt myself for the lace-up effect? you bet your sweet ass I did!) Those boots? ENTIRELY MADE OF FELT, people. I know, I know -- you're all wondering how I could possibly make boots from felt. I'll tell you this: the process involved a sewing machine, great tubes of felt, and a can of Pam stuffed into a pair of shoes.

And here's Wesley, the fabulous parrot sidekick to Aidan's pirate. Look at those colorful wings! His saucy little birdy tailfeathers! See his beak which (sort of) resembles a parrot beak... it's apparent that he's having a fabulous time in these pictures, and I am positive that it's entirely because of the level of craftsmanship his costume represents.

I know that these costumes fill me with a joy that simply can't be contained... that and the 10 fun-sized candy bars I just ate.

Happy Halloween! Making your own costumes? As my old pal Martha would say, "it's a good thing!"


suzy's jewels and gem said...

Outstanding in deed!!!!! Your boys are stinkin adorable:)

Anonymous said...

Seriously, you have skillz my dear! your kids were(are) gloriously adorable, and you know I don't toss that word around!

Anonymous said...

Wowzers! Great job girl!!

Anonymous said...

You are, quite literally, my mommy hero!

Unknown said...

Very cute! I love Aidan's mustache to top it off. Plus Wesley is the happiest parrot I've ever seen :)

Ganine said...

Those are darling!!!

Way braver than I am... I just buy them!!!

Buffy said...

That parrot costume is to die for! Excellent job, Anna Banana!

Karen said...

Very crafty INDEED!! I am very impressed at your domestic skills. I'm jealous! Aidan is a stunning handsome pirate and Wesley is quite the adorable parrot. LOVE IT!!