Hey Anna! I know it would be completely inappropriate to post a comment on every single blog posting... but dangit you are funny, woman!! Hope you don't mind me visiting here once in awhile. I've missed you on BTB!!!! Happy Belated Birthday and Happy Belated Mother's Day!! Love ya, Erica C.
Now why can't we all view these dandelions as a pretty flower? I would have flowers on my table everyday! It has been awhile since I visited your BLOG-hell for that matter it has been awhile since I have visited my own BLOG! Keep up the good work!
ANNA- So I was just reading your blog and my husband came home from work and saw the pictures of your "boys" including the picture of your husband and he said he knows him. My husband, Joaquin, works for Verizon wireless and said your husband was a trainer there. Could this be true? If it is, this is one small world. p.s. I'm glad you found my blog so now I can keep updated on you. ;)
Best. Bouquet. EVER!
Oh, what a sweetheart!!
Awwwwwww! I miss those dandelion bouquets.
Hey Anna! I know it would be completely inappropriate to post a comment on every single blog posting... but dangit you are funny, woman!! Hope you don't mind me visiting here once in awhile. I've missed you on BTB!!!! Happy Belated Birthday and Happy Belated Mother's Day!! Love ya, Erica C.
Now why can't we all view these dandelions as a pretty flower? I would have flowers on my table everyday! It has been awhile since I visited your BLOG-hell for that matter it has been awhile since I have visited my own BLOG! Keep up the good work!
ANNA- So I was just reading your blog and my husband came home from work and saw the pictures of your "boys" including the picture of your husband and he said he knows him. My husband, Joaquin, works for Verizon wireless and said your husband was a trainer there. Could this be true? If it is, this is one small world. p.s. I'm glad you found my blog so now I can keep updated on you. ;)
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