Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Aww, aren't we cute?

We had an appointment with a photographer to take some pictures of our little fam-damily before we went on vacation, and she bailed on us without notice. What a peach, huh?

HOWEVER, my super wonderful sister Buffy swooped in to save the day while we were in Oregon and took some pictures of us! I guess the lighting wasn't ideal, and Buffy was worried that they wouldn't turn out -- Aidan "squirmy butt" Silver was fuzzy in a lot of them I guess.

I think this one is pretty cute though, aside from my double chin. That's not Buffy's fault, though. That's on me... well, maybe I could blame it on all the turkey.

Thanks Buffy!!! You really ARE a peach. mwah.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Vacations are good for my sanity...

And you know I must have been in desperate need for one if I claim they're good for my sanity and I was with most of my side of the family (we missed you Jo and fam!). I loooove my family, but a week in a cabin together when it's raining 23 1/2 out of every 24 hours of the day is maybe not the best idea, if anyone is considering taking such a vacation for themselves.

Here is an example of said weather:

It does look cloudy, but now imagine rain, LOTS of it... and while we're doing that, make it horizontal so it smacks straight into the windows. Now, throw in some thunder and some wind, I believe I read that there were gusts up to 65 mph. Ahh, now you have it. Anyone care to take a walk on the beach with me?

So we spent nearly all of our time indoors... in front of a toasty fire. Aidan had a couple of his cousins to play with, and after a few days cooped up inside they even got over the fact that they were playing with "baby toys" :)

There were some moments of decent weather though, so we visited Newport's bayfront and saw some sea lions, which are very loud and whose breath is quite unpleasant and can travel great distances because of its potency:

We also stopped by Devil's Churn...

We also made a stop at the Oregon Coast Aquarium where Aidan ran around enamored of all the fish, one flounder in particular.

And then, just in time to say goodbye, the sun came out. I took a picture of it while we were loading our suitcases into our rental car, and couldn't help but feel a bit miffed at Mother Nature and her sense of humor. I counted no less than 15 people on the beach, walking around without jackets. Hmph.

I am aware of the "non-fantastic-ness"of these photos, but our camera battery died halfway through the trip and so I am waiting for some other pictures from my sister and mom... and they're both way better at taking pictures than I am. So hopefully I will get a few more pictures up here in the near future. :)